0800 093 3299

Solar and Battery Installation in Ruan Minor, Cornwall

3.24kW Solar Installation in Ruan Minor

An 8-panel, 3.24kW solar and battery installation in Ruan Minor, designed to maximise generation from the home’s lower garage roof.

Following an initial consultation, GreenGen were tasked to design a system using only the garage roof while maximising generation. Already benefitting from a low-carbon air source heat pump, the homeowners were eager to produce their own electricity. At the same time, they wanted to minimise the visual impact of any potential installation.

3502kWh of renewable solar energy will be produced by this solar system each year.

This solar and battery installation in Ruan Minor consists of:

8 x 405wJA Solar black-framed panels
1 x Solis 3kW dual-tracking solar inverter
1 x 5.8kWh Alpha solar battery
Renusol slate-tile roof mounting kit

System Design

After discussing options, including a larger array installed on property’s east and west aspects, the final decision was to opt for an 8-panel array installed on the garage roof. Despite meaning fewer panels could be fitted, modern, high-output panels meant a 3.24kW array could still be achieved. The capacity of the array doesn’t fall far short of National Grid’s standard limitation.

Just a few short years ago, panel outputs maxed out at around 250w. As efficiency has improved, it’s now possible to achieve almost twice as much energy from the same amount of space. Thus solar has become much more viable in many more homes. Furthermore, modern black-framed panels sit sleekly alongside a slate roof.

Installing the panels on the south-facing garage roof maximised system generation. The location also hides panels from view as you approach the property. Furthermore, the lower-level installation reduced the need for a larger scaffold and kept installation costs down. By opting for higher-output panels on the south-facing aspect, the return on investment forecast for this installation looked better than a larger array installed on the main property.

To Battery or not to Battery…

Being solely reliant on electricity, the fuel of the future, being able to store and utilise as much of their solar generation was the priority. Adding a battery to the system means clean generation from the panels can be stored for use throughout the evening. This was particularly useful for this customer and running their air source heat pump.

Furthermore, battery solutions installed alongside a solar array are eligible for 0% VAT. Batteries installed separately are charged at 20% VAT under current tax regulations. A 20% saving before even starting!

Want to find out more?

It’s no surprise that sky-high energy prices have driven more and more people to consider solar. Installation of solar is one of the few ways homes and businesses can keep their bills and carbon footprint in check. Examples like this 3.24kW array installed in Cornwall highlight just how much can be achieved even from a small roof space.

Want to see what can be done at your property? Head over to our solar PV page for more info.

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